Commited to quality and exellence 'Amit Sharma Productions' has been growing in standard and stature since its inception in the year 2000. A vision brought into reality by Amit Sharma, who started his full time job for Moviebox label (U.K) looking after the Indian operations right from selecting lyrics to composing them and getting them recorded from various vocalists to cater to the Bhangra vocals, Punjabi vocals, recording live session of bhangra music instruments demand of Dj/music producers signed with the label, to buying overseas rights of music albums and getting new and old artists into long term contract deals with the company. After having worked with almost every famous and world renowed Punjabi music producers and Vocalists, an idea to bring his services to every upcoming Punjabi music producer was bought to life with the launch of a website which became a instant hit with professionals in the industry. Having grown much more than just caterring to Bhangra vocal and Bhangra loops need of Punjabi Bhangra music producers based worldwide, a thorough rebranding was done with the launch of a Youtube channel named Sarvjeet Kaur Music and a new website named amitsharmaproductions which now caters to music video requirement of not only Bhangra music producers based in U.K and U.S but also Pre/Post wedding music video shooting of to be bride and groom here in Punjab India. Note by note vocal tuning service too has been added to bring vocal of artists near to perfection using latest software and hardware along with our experience in understanding of Punjabi music.
Amit Sharma Productions has been growing in standard and stature since its inception in the year 2000. A vision brought into reality by Amit Sharma who started his full time job for Moviebox label (U.K) looking after the Indian operations right from selecting lyrics to composing them and getting them recorded from various vocalists to cater to the Bhangra vocals and Punjabi vocals along with recording live session of bhangra music instruments need of Dj/music producers signed with the label, to buying overseas rights of music albums and getting new and old Punjabi music artists into contract deals with the company.Our Bhangra Loops have become a industry standard and have been used by both national and international artists worldwide for Punjabi as well as English songs production.